Trade publications are found in many library databases but the easiest way to search for them is to try these:
Business Source Complete:
Log in to database with FIT user name/password
Choose Advanced Search
On the next screen, see Search Options> Limit your results> Publication type > Trade publications
Add your search words at the top of the page and click on "Search"
Business Insights Essentials:
Log in to database with FIT user name/password
Choose Advanced Search
"Enter Search Terms'' as directed
Then choose Select Limiters> Content type> Trade journals
Click on Search.
If you are also looking for publications that we have in the library in print (not just online), you can use our Research Guide, Periodicals by Title and Subject.
When you click on one of the subject tabs on the left, such as "Apparel Industry" you'll see a list that indicates which ones are current and which ones are classified as "trade publications". You can also search that guide using the phrase "trade publication" to see which subjects list them.
If you are not a current FIT or SUNY student or employee, you must request an appointment in order to use the FIT Library. Please see Visit the Libraryand submit your request through the form on that page.