To see if we have the textbook or required/recommended reading that you're looking for, search our catalog, OneSearch.You can check by author, title, professor's name, course title, course number, or a combination of those pieces of information. The results will show you whether or not we have a digital version of the book or on reserve to use within the library or if you can check out the book. If you don't see what you're looking for, you can ask us to double-check for you -- we know a few tricks. ;)
It is not our policy to buy all textbooks used in classes at FIT because there are just too many of them, they change so often, and become outdated so quickly; we let your professors know that.
However, sometimes the professors have copies that they put on reserve for you to use in the Library (but are not available to be checked out of the Library). Also, some of your required readings might not technically be "textbooks" or they are the most important books on a topic so we might have those items.
Some textbooks may be available digitally through the FIT Library databases including the Bloomsbury Fashion Central databases (see Databases link below -- Use an incognito browser to access this resource.) Check in OneSearch to see if it is available online.
Please let us know (or let your professor know) if you are unable to locate the textbooks.
If you are not a current FIT or SUNY student or employee, you must request an appointment in order to use the FIT Library. Please see Visit the Libraryand submit your request through the form on that page.